
The Partition
Now for the partition. Put the three tags G G G through the s...

Hang Tag
This is a good game to play around a barn or in a grove where...

Auctioning Prizes
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Card Games And Others
Card games proper, such as Bezique and Cribbage and Whist, do...

Hoop And Javelin
INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--This game was widely known and played amo...

Paper and cardboard articles can be prettily decorated by sp...

Picking Flowers
When you are picking flowers to send away, never pick old one...

Pencils And Paper
It is well to take a pencil and paper when you go on a long j...

Father Bringing Presents

Source: Games Without Music For Children

Object of Game.--Anyone who has observed children cannot fail to have
noticed how very often they have to be prompted to express their
thanks for kindnesses received. It is hoped that this little game may be
of use in impressing the lesson, so often reiterated by parents and

A 'house' is formed by a ring of children (see Frontispiece, and
description of same on p. 31). There should be three children in the
ring to represent 'John,' 'Maud,' and the 'Baby,' also an older girl
for the 'Mother.' The 'Father' is supposed to be away on a journey, and
preparations are being made for his return. The 'Mother' and 'Maud' lay
the table for tea (see Game No. 1, which is similar), and the other two
children may be looking at a picture-book or watching for Father's
return at the door or window. When he arrives, each member of the family
greets him; one takes his hat, another his bag, and a chair is placed
for him at the table. Then the children take their places, and the
Mother pours the tea.

After the meal is finished, the Father opens his portmanteau, and
looking into it, says:

A ball for baby should be here,
[Takes out the ball and gives it.]

Oh, thank you, thank you, Father dear.

A skipping-rope for Maud is this,
[Presents it to Maud.]

I thank you, Father, with a kiss.
[Kisses Father.]

This cricket-ball for John will do.
[Hands John the ball.]

Thank you, Papa, 'tis kind of you.

Frontispiece.--Twenty or thirty children might very well combine to
make the 'house,' instead of ten as shown here. The two girls who cross
hands form the 'door.' The boy on the left of the door grasps the girdle
of the girl with his right hand, while the boy on the right places his
left hand on the girl's shoulder to make the 'latch.' To open the 'door'
we lift the 'latch,' and then push the girl on the right gently inside
the ring, the girl on the left moving with her.

To knock at the 'door' we rap on the floor.

Next: Going Errands

Previous: Dressing Children

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