False Alarm
Games And Play For School Morale
Fifth Grade
Two parallel lines are drawn on the ground, about 40 feet distant. All
of the players except one stand beyond one of these lines. In the
middle territory between the lines the one player chosen to be "it"
takes his place and cries. "Black Tom! Black Tom! Black Tom!" whereupon
all the other players rush across to the opposite line, being chased by
the center player, who catches any that he may. Anyone so caught joins
him thereafter in chasing the others. Sometimes the center player, to
tantalize or mislead the other players may say, "Green Tom" or "White
Tom" or anything else he may choose. If a player starts to run upon any
such false alarm or starts before "Black Tom" has been repeated three
times, he is taken captive, and must join the players in the center.
The first one caught becomes "it" for the next game. No one but the
original "it" is permitted to give the signal.
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