
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground; seas...

An ear-splitting game that is always great fun. The players s...

One player leaves the room, and while he is gone the rest d...

The Sea King
This game can be played by any number of children. They proce...

Ring Taw
This is played in the following manner:--A circle should b...

Seeing The Old Home Town
Down the line next to the baseball diamond came the bowling a...

Cutting Leaves
Never cut all the leaves of plants growing from bulbs, but al...

Flowers For Window-boxes
Nasturtiums and canary creeper can climb up a little trellis ...


Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

(Numbers Change; French Blind Man's Buff)

_10 to 30 or more players._

_Parlor; gymnasium; playground._

One player is blindfolded and stands in the center. The other players
sit in chairs in a circle around him. It is advisable to have the
circle rather large. The players are numbered consecutively from one
to the highest number playing.

The game may start with the players sitting in consecutive order, or
they may change places at the outset to confuse the blindfold player,
although the changing of places takes place very rapidly in the course
of the game. The blindfold player calls out two numbers, whereupon the
players bearing those numbers must exchange places, the blindfold
player trying meanwhile either to catch one of the players or to
secure one of the chairs. Any player so caught must yield his chair to
the catcher. No player may go outside of the circle of chairs, but any
other tactics may be resorted to for evading capture, such as
stooping, creeping, dashing suddenly, etc.

This game may be one of the merriest possible games for an
informal house party. The writer recalls one such occasion when
a prominent manufacturer was blindfolded and had located two
players whose numbers he called for exchange, one of them a
newly graduated West Point lieutenant, the other a college
senior. The business man stood in front of the chair occupied
by the lieutenant and close to it, taking a crouching attitude,
with his feet wide apart and arms outspread ready to grasp the
victim when he should emerge from his chair. Noiselessly the
lieutenant raised himself to a standing position in his chair,
and then suddenly, to shouts of laughter from the company,
vaulted over the head of his would-be captor, while at the same
moment the collegian crawled between his feet and took
possession of the chair.

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