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Drive Ball

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
Category: BALL GAMES

_10 to 30 players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

_Basket ball; volley ball._

This is one of the most interesting games for players beginning to
care for team work. The writer has known some boys to play the game
persistently for several seasons in succession.

A court measuring from thirty to fifty feet in length by
twenty to thirty in width is divided into two equal parts, forming two
courts, each of which should be a little wider than it is long. A goal
about two by four feet is marked in the center rear of each court,
within the boundary lines. It facilitates the game if the end of each
court may be a wall or fence, and thus make sort of a backstop behind
the goal.

Each court has bases marked at even distances over its surface,
wherein the different players stand. These may be marked simply as a
cross for a footmark, or a small circle or square. There is no
particular arrangement for these, the only object being to scatter the
players, no mass play being allowed in the game.

The players, of no stipulated number, are divided into two
equal teams. Each team appoints a captain, who stands at the middle of
the dividing line and is responsible for the discipline of his team; a
goal guard, whose duty it is to keep the ball from the goal and who
stands in the goal; and from six to twelve players, each assigned a
certain spot marked as his territory and from which he may not move
more than two feet.

The object of the game is to throw the ball into the
opponents' goal.

The ball is put in play by being placed on the ground at the
center of the dividing line between the two captains. At a signal from
an umpire, each captain hits the ball with his fist. The ball is
thereafter kept moving rapidly back and forth from one court to the
other, hit always with the fist. After being caught or otherwise
stopped, it should be bounced or thrown from one hand and hit with the

No player may move more than two feet from the base assigned
him. At no time may players do mass work. Whenever a goal is made, the
ball is again started from the center by the two captains. The goal
guard may not step out of the goal, even with one foot. The ball must
always be hit with the closed fist.

It is a foul to kick the ball; to hold it; to throw it with
both hands or in any way except by batting with the closed fist; it is
a foul to cross the dividing line. Each foul scores one point for the
opposing team.

Whenever a ball touches the ground inside of a goal, it scores
two for the batting side. Fouls count for the opposing side, as above
stated. The game is played in three rounds of fifteen minutes each,
with a rest of five minutes between. The teams change courts for
successive rounds. The team wins which has the highest score at the
end of the third round.

Next: Fist Ball

Previous: Double Corner Ball

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