
Jacks Alive
The group sits in a circle in the room. A lighted splinter is...

"The miller's dog lay at the mill, And his name was litt...

Drawing Cuts
In this method of choosing players, a blade of grass or hay ...

Illustrated Songs
Each member of the group is given a sheet of paper and a penc...

Rope Skipping Contest
A piece of rope is needed for each team. At the signal to go,...

Ball Games Alone
A boy with a ball need never be very lonely. When tired of ca...

A Water-cutter
The cut-water is best made of tin or lead, but stout cardb...

Making Paper Dolls
The first thing to do is to draw the doll in pencil on the ca...

Drawing-room Acrobatics

Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

There are various feats which can be performed in a small room without
injury to furniture. To lie flat on the floor on one's back and be
lifted into an upright position by a pair of hands under the back of
the head, keeping stiff all the time, is a favorite accomplishment.
Another is to bend over and touch the floor with the tips of the
fingers without bending the knees. Another is, keeping your feet
behind a line, to see who, by stretching along the ground supported on
the left hand only, can place a penny with the right hand the farthest
distance and get back again to an upright position behind the line
without moving the feet or using the right hand for a support. This
done, the penny must be recovered in the same way.

Another feat is, keeping your feet together and one arm behind you, to
see how far back from the wall it is possible to place your feet
(remembering that you have to get into an upright position again)
while you lean forward supported by the other hand laid flat against
the wall.

Another is to keep the toes to a line, and kneel down and get up again
without using the hands.

Another is to make a bridge of your body from chair to chair, resting
the back of your neck on one and your heels on the other. This is done
by beginning with three chairs, one under the back, and then when you
are rigid enough having the third one removed.

Next: Acrobatic Impossibilities

Previous: The Traveler And The Bicyclist

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