
Shoe Hunt.
Shoes, four inches long, are cut out of cardboard, from pat...

Countingout Rhymes
Almost every section has some favourite counting-out rhyme of...

Line Zigza
III (Double Zigzag) _20 to 100 players._ _Playground...

Balancing Tricks
There are a number of balancing tricks which are easy and ing...

Nimble Squirrel
_Any number of players._ _Schoolroom; parlor; playground...

Twos And Threes Or Terza
A very good picnic game. All the players except two form a la...

The Love Alphabet
In this game you go through the alphabet, applying adjectives...

Heart Hunt
Candy or paper hearts are hidden in nooks and corners, behind...


Source: Outdoor Sports and Games

This game is also called "Tommy Tiddler's Land." It is a game of tag
in which a certain portion of the playground is marked off as the
"land." The one who is "it" endeavours to catch the others as they
invade his land. When a player is tagged he also becomes "it," and so
on until the game ends because all the invaders are captured. The game
is especially interesting because of the variety of verses and rhymes
used in various parts of the country to taunt the one who is "it" as
they come on his land.

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