Crows And Cranes
Games And Play For School Morale
Eighth Grade
Players form in two lines, back to back and at about one yard interval.
One line is designated "Crows" and the other "Cranes." If the leader
calls out "Cranes," the Cranes will rush forward about thirty feet
across a safety line, and the line designated as Crows will turn around
and attempt to tag his opposing player before he has crossed the
distance to the safety line. If the leader calls "Crows," the Crows
will rush forward to their safety zone. Those who are tagged must go
over to the other side. The team having the largest number of players
at the expiration of a given time wins. The game can be made more
intensive by the leader if he drawls out the "r" in either Crows or
Jumping Circle
Zig Zag Relay
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