Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 60 players._
_Playground; gymnasium._
_Soft hand ball._
The players scatter over the playground, trying to get as far away as
possible from the one who has the ball. He throws it at one of the
players, trying to hit him with it, at the same time calling
"Crackabout!" All of the players make a rush for the ball, the one who
succeeds in getting it being the next thrower. The other players
scatter immediately that one has secured it, the ball man at once
throwing at some other player, naturally trying to hit the nearest. As
soon as the players hear his call of "Crackabout!" they rush together
again in the direction of the ball to try and secure it, and so on
indefinitely. The game is thus a rapid succession of running away from
the ball man and scrimmages to secure the ball. It is one of the
strenuous and popular games enjoyed by boys of almost any age, and
affords some lively exercise and sport in a few minutes.
Curtain Ball
Corner Spry
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