Composite Stories
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Another folding-over and passing-on game is "Composite Stories." Paper
is passed round, and for five minutes each player writes the opening
of a story with a title prefixed. The papers are passed on, and each
player reads through as much of the story as has been written and for
five minutes adds to it. And so on, until each player has written once
on each paper. The papers are then passed on once more, with the
result that each paper will be found to be lying before the player who
began it. The next and last five minutes are then spent by each person
in reading through the story and bringing it to an end, sometimes a
difficult enough task. If six persons are playing and allowances of
five minutes have been given, there will be at the end of thirty-five
minutes six complete stories to read aloud.
Another Story Game
Consequences Extended
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