Clearing The Table
Games Without Music For Children
(For directions as to laying the table, see game No. 1.)
1. Breakfast over, off we go,
To remove the cloth, you know.
2. Put the napkins on the tray,
And the plates, too, take away.
3. Cups and saucers next we take,
Carefully, lest them we break.
4. Bring the milk and sugar here,
Soon the table will be clear.
5. Shake the cloth and fold it straight,
Then we'll wash each cup and plate.[A]
Instructions.--Verse 1. Children rise from table, and each carries
chair to the place where it should go.
Verse 2. A child brings a little tray, and, walking round the table,
takes up all the napkins, putting them on the tray one by one. A second
child follows with another tray, and takes up the plates in the same
Verse 3. Two children remove the cups and saucers, each having a tray.
Verse 4. The coffee-pot, milk-jug, and sugar-basin are taken away on a
Verse 5. The cloth should be taken off carefully, so that the crumbs
are not spilt, or if a toy crumb brush and tray can be obtained, the
crumbs may be removed before the cloth is taken up.
[A] For song 'Washing Dishes,' see Appendix I.
The Breakfast Party
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