Catechism of States
School, Church, and Home Games
Q.--Which is the best State for fresh pork?
A.--New ham, sure.
Q.--Which is the best for an early summer hotel?
A.--May inn.
Q.--In which should surgeons dwell?
Q.--In which should laundrymen prosper?
A.--Washing done.
Q.--In which do impudent people dwell?
A.--Can sass.
Q.--Which is the best for deer-hunting?
A.--Collar a doe.
Q.--Which is the best for locksmiths?
A.--New brass key.
Q.--In which would you look for a morning attire?
A.--Day coat, eh!
Q.--In which is one likely to fail in getting a drink?
Q.--In which can you find a red letter?
A.--Florid A.
Q.--In which does the hustle make one sick?
A.--Ill o' noise.
Q.--In which is one likely to use his farming implements?
A.--I'd a hoe.
Q.--In which can one acquire an estate by marriage?
A.--Mary land.
Q.--In which is one letter of the alphabet taller than the others?
A.--O higher.
Q.--In which are bodies of land surrounded by water given a ride?
A.--Rhode Island.
Q.--Which is called to your mind by holding two $5 bills?
A.--Tenn I see.
Q.--Which would a woman rather have if she can't get a new sealskin
A.--New Jersey.
Q.--Which does the farmer's wife mention when she asks you to partake
of apple sauce?
A.--Take sass.--_Capper's Weekly (Topeka)._
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