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Captain Bal

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
Category: BALL GAMES


_18 to 60 players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

_Basket ball; volley ball._

The distinctive features of this form of Captain Ball are: (1) the
captain occupies a place in the circumference of the circle as in I,
instead of in the center as in succeeding forms of the game; (2) the
captain's place is near the dividing line, instead of at the farthest
point from it as in I; this gives the guards of his team, on the
opposite side of the ground, a greater opportunity to reach him than
in I, while any increased tendency to concentrate play near the
dividing line is offset by the scoring of the ball through completing
a round of the circle, and by the greater freedom allowed the guards;
(3) the guards may run at large, not being confined to guarding any
one baseman; (4) there are no fielders, the free action of the guards
making these unnecessary; (5) the ball scores for completing a circle
and also for any catch by the captain from one of his team, whether it
be baseman or guard; also for a catch by any one baseman from another
baseman of his team; or for a catch by the captain after it has passed
through the hands of two or three basemen successively; (6) fouls
differ from those in some other forms of the game, and are penalized
by scoring for the opponents instead of by a toss of the ball.


The ground is divided into two equal parts by a line across
the center. In each part a series of small rings or bases is arranged
in a circle, at equal distances apart, the number and distance
depending on the space at disposal and the number of players; the
small base rings should not be closer to each other than four or five
feet, and should measure from two to four feet in diameter. The
captain's place is in one of these bases nearest the center of the
ground or dividing line.

There should be from eight to thirty players on each side,
exclusive of the captain. Half of these players stand in the bases on
their own side, the captain's base completing the circle and being
nearest the dividing line. The other players of the team, called
guards, are stationed at the opening of the game each near one of the
opponents' bases on the opposite side of the ground from his own
basemen. Each guard is chiefly responsible throughout for guarding his
particular base; but all guards may move about freely in the
opponents' territory without stepping within the rings (bases).

The objects of the game are, (1) to pass the ball
from baseman to baseman in one circle; or (2) entirely around one of
the circles without its being caught by the opponents' guards, who
seek to gain possession of it; and (3) for any baseman or guard to
throw the ball as many times as possible to his own captain. The
guards try not only to prevent the passage of the ball around the
circle or its reaching their opponents' captain, but also to gain
possession of the ball and throw it over to the opposite side to their
own basemen and captain.

The ball is put in play at the opening of the game, and after
each catch by a captain, and after each foul, by being tossed by a
neutral person in the center of the ground, the guards on both sides
trying to get possession of it. The ball is not considered caught
unless it be held in both hands. Any guard so catching it has an
opportunity to throw it to his own captain or one of his basemen. The
guards on the opposite side of course try to prevent such a catch.

It is considered a fair catch for any baseman, including the
captain, if the ball be caught on a bound either from the floor,
ceiling, or any other object, or from hitting another player.

A ball that goes afield is secured by the guard standing nearest the
point where it left the circle. He puts it in play from the point in
the circle where it went out.

Other rules are indicated under "Fouls."

It is a foul (1) to kick the ball; (2) to run with the ball;
(3) for a guard to step over the dividing line or inside one of the
bases; (4) for a baseman to step outside of his own base, even with
one foot; (5) to hand the ball instead of tossing; (6) to snatch or
bat the ball from an opponent's hands; (7) to hold the ball longer
than time enough to turn around quickly, or three seconds.

One point is scored by the opponents whenever a foul is made, and the
ball is then put in play again from the center.

One point is scored for a team every time a baseman catches
the ball from another baseman of the same team.

Two points are scored for a team every time its captain makes a fair
catch, whether the ball has gone around his circle or not, and whether
the ball was thrown by one of his basemen or one of his guards on the
opposite side of the field. Three points are scored if the ball
reaches two different basemen and the captain successively, whether in
regular rotation around the circle or not.

Four points are scored if the ball reaches three different basemen
and the captain successively, whether in regular rotation around the
circle or not. Five points are scored whenever the ball passes
entirely around the circle on one side, in regular rotation of
basemen, whether the start and finish of that circle be with the
captain or some other baseman. Each foul scores one for the opposing
team, as described under "Fouls." After the captain catches the ball,
no further points may be scored on it in that play and it then goes
back to the center to be put again in play.

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