Call Ball
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 30 or more players._
_Playground; gymnasium._
_Hand ball._
The players are numbered and scatter promiscuously over the playground
or gymnasium. One tosses a ball, at the same time calling the number
of some other player. This player must run forward and catch the ball
before it has bounded more than once. Any player who is successful in
this takes the place of the first tosser. Any player who fails rejoins
the others, but three failures put him out of the game. For large
numbers it is well to have two balls, tossed by two different players.
The one who is tossing the ball will add much to the interest of the
game by calling the names of players who are at a considerable
distance from the ball, or for any other reason may have a
particularly difficult task in reaching the ball in time; or he may
take them unaware, as by calling the same name twice in succession,
etc. There is no limit to the number of times a player may be called.
Captain Ball
Bound Ball
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