Call Ball
Games And Play For School Morale
Sixth Grade
A basketball is needed for this game. The players, 10 to 30, are
numbered and form a circle, one of the players standing in the center.
The object is to catch the ball before the second bounce, when one
number has been called.
The player in the center tosses the ball high up within the circle, at
the same time calling the number of some player. The one called must
quickly run and catch the ball on the first bounce. If he catches the
ball he tosses it up and calls the number of some other player. If the
ball is not caught the first player again tosses it up. The ball may be
caught on the fly.
To vary the game, form sides, numbering the players, the odd numbers
forming one side, the even numbers the other. The odd numbers must call
on the even, and vice versa. One point is counted for every ball
caught, and the side with the highest score after twenty tosses wins.
Arch Goal Ball
Bull In The Ring
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