
Tony Says
This is a good game to follow formal gymnastic exercises, mai...

Dumb Crambo
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor._ The players are...

Flower Show
A flower-show competition is an excellent garden game. A hand...

Cake With Candles.
A large cake with as many different colored candles on it a...

Mental Telepathy
The group is told that if enough people think hard enough abo...

INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--This ball game was known to a number of...

Slap Jack
The players join hands and form a circle. One is chosen to be...

Pass Ball Relay
_10 to 100 players. Playground; gymnasium. Basket ball....

Battles Of The United States For Fourth Of July

Source: Games For All Occasions

Try the following: What battle of the United States is

1. A fortified place, to perform and a walking stick?

2. An English coin and the act of directing attention?

3. A royal weight?

4. A teutonic village?

5. Two intoxicants?

6. A feminine proper name and a Roman garment?

7. Inclosures for domestic animals?

8. An English city and a village?

9. What railway porters expect, a consonant and a kind of boat?

10. The village of a female ruler?

11. A male bovine and what people do when it chases them?

12. The residence of "Portia" in the "Merchant of Venice?"

13. A vegetable and a range of hills?

14. An ancient city of Greece?

15. Beautiful forest trees?

16. A number and table utensils?

17. To propel, a forest tree, and a body of land surrounded by water?

18. A judicial officer's village?

19. A dear fortification?

20. A range of hills for burial purposes?


1. Battle of Fort Du Quesne. 2. Crown Point. 3. Princeton. 4.
Germantown. 5. Brandywine. 6. Saratoga. 7. Cowpens. 8. Yorktown. 9.
Tippecanoe. 10. Queenstown. 11. Bull Run. 12. Belmont. 13. Pea Ridge.
14. Corinth. 15. Fair Oaks. 16. Five Forks. 17. Roanoke Island. 18.
Chancellorsville. 19. Richmond. 20. Cemetery Ridge.

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