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Balloon Ball

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
Category: BALL GAMES

_10 to 60 players._


_Inflated balloon._

There are two goals, each consisting of a string stretched on opposite
sides of the room from front to rear, at a height of six feet. There
may be any number of players, who are divided into two teams.

The teams are seated in alternate rows. The A's represent the players
on one team, the B's the players on the opposing team. The balloon is
thrown in the air in the center by the teacher, and the players of
both teams strike it with open hand.

The players of team A try to bat the balloon over goal A; the
players of team B try to send it over goal B.

Fouls are called for the following

Standing more than half erect.
Leaving seat entirely.
Raising desk (if movable).
Striking ball with clinched hand.

Each goal made counts two points. One point is also awarded to
the opposing team for each foul.

This game may be varied by having a goal keeper for each team whose
duty shall be to prevent the balloon from crossing his or her goal
line. This goal keeper should stand, and should have a free use of the
aisle in front of the goal.

This game was originated by Mr. Henry J. Silverman of New York
City, and submitted in a competition for schoolroom games
conducted by the Girls' Branch of the Public Schools Athletic
League of New York City in 1906. This game was one that
received honorable mention, and is here published by the kind
permission of the author, and of the Girls' Branch, and of
Messrs. A. G. Spalding & Brothers, who published the handbook
in which the game first appeared.

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