Automobile Race
Games And Play For School Morale
Third Grade
This game is to be played by the second and fifth, the first and fourth
rows, or the third and sixth rows.
Place a flag on the front desk of the first row and name that row an
Place a flag on the front desk of the fourth row and name that row a
different automobile.
At a given signal each child on the front seat rises, runs up one aisle
and down the next and places the flag on the desk of the second child,
who quickly takes the flag, runs up the aisle and down the next,
placing it on the desk of the third child. When the flag reaches the
child in the last seat he brings it to the teacher. The row which
succeeds in getting the flag back to the teacher first is the winner.
To vary this game, name one row a steam engine, another an automobile.
Name one a bicycle, another a trolley car.
Insist that in every case the children keep their feet under the desks
to prevent anyone tripping.
Community excitement.
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Fairies And Indians
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