
Russian Hole Ball
_3 to 10 players._ _Out of doors; seashore; snow._ _B...

The Candle-lighters
Another balancing game. Two boys face each other, each with a...

Chicken Market
One player is selected to be a buyer, another to be the marke...

The Forbidden Vowels
The players seat themselves and are questioned by the leader ...

The players divide themselves into ladies and gentlemen, if t...

Ring And Goblet
Tie wedding-ring or key to silken thread or horsehair, and ho...

This breed is small, but very beautiful. It came originally f...

Poison Seat
The children all endeavor to shift seats at the clapping of t...

A Washington's Birthday Luncheon In White And Red

Source: Games For All Occasions

A White cloth covered the table at this luncheon--a white embroidered
linen center piece with lace edge under which showed red crepe tissue
paper--vase of red and white carnations. Place Cards ornamented with
hand painted cherries and hatchets. Favors, miniature artificial cherry
trees (with a tiny paper hatchet at the base) growing in (imitation)
birch-wood candy boxes, which should be filled with candied cherries.

Cream of oyster soup served in bouillon cups--salted crackers.--Celery;
pimentos cut in small pieces; salted peanuts in red paper cups. Serve
on individual plates, chicken chartreuse with cannon ball potatoes.

Chicken Chartreuse,--Butter tin moulds (1/2 pt. tin cups are good ones)
and line with cooked rice. Fill with creamed chicken previously
prepared. Set moulds in pan of hot water and keep hot until wanted. Run
knife around inside of tin to loosen the contents and invert mould upon
serving plate. The result will be apparently a mould of rice. Place a
Maraschino cherry on the top.

Cannon Ball Potatoes,--With a potato scoop cut round balls out of raw
potatoes. Boil them in beet juice or use enough liquid off of pickled
beets to color the water a deep red. Watch carefully that they do not
cook soft enough to break. Serve a couple on each plate with the chicken

Thin bread and butter sandwiches.

Lady Washington Salad,--Cut the top off and scoop out the inside of
bright red Jonathan apples. Place them on white lace paper doilies on
salad plates and fill with the following mixture:--

Equal portions of apple and celery cut in small cubes, one-eighth the
amount of pimentos cut fine and one-eighth the amount of Maraschino
cherries cut in half. Use a mayonnaise dressing or one of the
manufactured salad dressings mixed with a generous amount of whipped

Coffee covered with whipped cream. Vanilla ice cream or any fancy cream
that is white, served in champagne glasses topped with a maraschino
cherry. Marshmallow cake dotted with candied cherries. Red and white
cream patties.

Next: Hunting The Hatchet

Previous: Washington's Birthday

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