
Dry Bread
Dreams mean much on Hallow-e'en, but certain ceremonies must ...

Muffin Man
_6 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ T...

Chairs are arranged around the room in a circle, with the boy...

Hunt The Slipper
The players sit in a circle on the floor, with their knees a ...

This is a counting game in which, whenever the number 7 comes...

This is a very good game. All the company leave the room save...

Measuring Game
Before playing this game, the children should be well accusto...

Apple-seed Test
Cut an apple open and pick out seeds from core. If only two s...

A New Year's Eve Entertainment

Source: Games For All Occasions
Category: NEW YEAR'S DAY

Look through your old newspapers and magazines and cut out all the
pictures of the famous men and women of the century you find--everybody,
from Decatur to Li Hung Chang, from Daniel Boone to Kruger, from Queen
Hortense to Helen Gould, from Coxey to Kipling. Clip the names off, and
make frames for them of pasteboard and gilt paper.

Write the invitations on the backs of your cards: "You are invited to
attend the opening of the Nineteenth Century Portrait Gallery, on New
Year's Eve,"--fixing the hours to suit yourself.

Then clear your drawing-room of all its furniture and pictures, covering
the walls with the pictures you have framed. In the middle of the floor
make a pedestal of two store boxes covered with a sheet, and on it stand
a girl dressed as the goddess of Fame--draped in a sheet, her hair
knotted in Grecian style, her bare arms hanging straight down, with a
laurel wreath in one hand, and in the other a little package neatly
tied. Light the room with four heavily shaded piano lamps, one in each

Outside the drawn portieres seat another girl dressed as Time, with
white hair and beard and hour-glass and scythe. And on the floor before
her put a basket woven of evergreens, and filled with little tablets,
each marked with all the numbers that are stuck in the corners of the
pictures. Four little girls of different sizes as the Seasons--Spring
with a wreath of artificial jonquils, Summer with roses, Autumn with
chrysanthemums, Winter with holly--stand on the stairs to receive.

As the guests arrive they are led up to Time, who bids them enter his
temple of Fame, and write down on the tablets he gives them, the names
of those they recognize.

They enter and begin their inspection of the pictures, putting down such
as they know--or think they know; and incidentally making many mistakes.
And when they have finished the round of the room, they sign their
tablets, drop them into Time's basket, and are led away by a Season to
the supper room.

When all the guests have made the tour of inspection, and the prize has
been adjudged, the winner is escorted back to the "gallery" by the whole
company, to receive from the hands of the Goddess the laurel wreath and
its little golden duplicate that the package contains.

Next: Suggestions For New Year Parties

Previous: Spin The Plate

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